Top free server software
Top free server software

top free server software

The slow working of the busiest DNS server is especially annoying for online gamers. As a matter of fact, it is possible to recover lost files from SD card, PC and other devices as long as you find the best data recovery software.

#Top free server software pro#

Pro tips: As a daily user of computers, you may sometimes lose important photos or documents, which could cause a loss of money or valuable time. This is because DNS servers are set by default by the internet connection company or ISPs and users blame their ISPs for the slow internet connection speed but in vain. And the most interesting fact regarding this issue is that the majority of the users don’t know about the public DNS servers which they are using. This is a very basic fact that the faster the process of submission of IP address is, the faster the website will be loaded on your device. For, example if you search for a website on Google, then first of all, the DNS server you are using will submit the IP address to the server of the website which you are searching and after this process, you will be landed directly to the website.

top free server software

Sometimes, the DNS server is not able to connect you to the website due to overloading of systems and network traffic. Yes, just like changing IP address on Windows, you can also optimize your network by choosing the fastest DNS server. DNS is surely not a strange term to you if you are searching for public DNS servers, so that’s the knowledge base required in this article where you will find the top 15 free public DNS servers for better internet in 2019. We know how annoying it is when the browser is taking a really long time to load a particular website or page which you need urgent access to, and the DNS server is usually responsible for the lag. Top 15 Free Public DNS Server Addresses for Fastest Internet in 2019

Top free server software