New: To scroll this page, press a z on the keyboard, also on the detail pages s syntax e examples, \ Search. In macOS Catalina the default shell will change to zsh and in time this page will be updated to include that. While that is all that you need to know to use wget for downloading files, there are many other commands that’ll enable you to control its usage and you can access them within your terminal in wget’s man page or online. bash is the default shell, it runs under Darwin the open source core of macOS. r (or -recursive) and -np (or -no-parent) tells wget to follow links within the directory that you’ve specified. The -e robots=off flag tells wget to ignore restrictions in the robots.txt file which is good because it prevents abridged downloads. Each step is extremely easy, as explained in the following.
#Bash on mac install#
If none of your commands are working correctly, make sure you have set the file correctly, and has the correct encoding (CR/LF). To upgrade the default shell of your macOS system to the latest version of Bash, you have to do three things: Install the latest version of Bash. Downloading a directory # wget -e robots=off -r -np bash: ls: command not found bash: vi: command not found bash: touch: command not found bash: mkdir: command not found bash: gerp: command not found bash: sudo: command not found bash: env: command not found. the wget command, -X to indicate the file path (unless you want to save the downloaded content to your current working directory), and the public link.
Downloading a single file # wget -X path/to/py
#Bash on mac download#
# brew install wgetĪs long as a file or directory’s URL is publicly accessible, you can download it and files can be downloaded singly or recursively when downloading directories. Hence, after reading the Internet for a bit, I’ve installed it on my Mac. Apparently this is due to licensing reasons, however Bash 4 has lots of lovely features including associative arrays that I’d like use. Next, install wget command-line download client. Incredibly, macOS Mojave comes with Bash 3.22 by default still. Install Homebrew using the following command, it will also install Xcode’s command line tools if they aren’t already installed: # /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL )" Don’t worry if you don’t have it installed, I’ve got you covered:
There are alternatives like Fink and MacPorts but I prefer using Homebrew.